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Your journey with Montego's Food Market is our pride and we can't wait to make this year extra special together.

Puregro Black Eye Beans (500g)

£1.49 GBP

Puregro Black Eye Beans (500g)

The taste, quality, and authenticity of PureGro black-eyed beans are unmatched in the world.

The Black-Eyed Bean is a nutrient-dense legume that is used in American, Caribbean, and Asian cooking. This product is rich in fibre and protein and can be consumed by vegetarians and vegans. Keep it cool and dry to maintain its freshness for as long as possible.

Nutrition per 100g

  • Calories: 116
  • Total Fat: 0.5 g
  • Saturated fat: 0.1 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Sodium: 4 mg
  • Potassium: 278 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate: 21 g
  • Dietary fibre: 7 g
  • Sugar: 3.3 g
  • Protein: 8 g