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Your journey with Montego's Food Market is our pride and we can't wait to make this year extra special together.

Puregro Fish Seasoning (100g)

£1.29 GBP

Puregro Fish Seasoning 100g

Fish seasoning

This delicious seasoning will transform your fish dishes into something truly special. The simplest way to ensure that fish tastes delicious no matter how it is cooked is to season it. Use it to marinate fish and shellfish before grilling or cooking at high temperatures because it not only adds incredible flavour but also keeps it tender.


Salt, flavour enhancer (monosodium glutamate E261), spices, onion powder, natural flavouring, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide (non-declarable processing acid)), rapeseed oil, colour (caramel E150a, paprika extract 160c))

